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Strand Networking


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Hi All


The Venue I'm at currently runs a strand 520i and we're looking at creating a network system built around the console.


Essentially, we're hoping to setup a PC to act as a file server as well as a backup console.

Beyond that we're hoping to setup a second PC to run as a remote console (in our head electrician's office)

Finally, we're hoping to add a wifi router to enable remote access from a laptop (another 'remote' console) as a designers remote or from a PDA.


So here's my understanding....

If we patch this all into a switcher and then load the OLE onto all the PC's and then set them up using the correct install options, life should be sweet?


Does the system have to be strictly DOS or could we use a W95, W98, W2000 platform? Even XP?


I'm having some dramas doing this with the OLE at present as it keeps telling me my tnt.dll file is missing.... basically, how has everyone setup their networks? any thoughts on this design would be helpful.






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The OLE doesn't work under WinXP - it needs 'real' DOS.

(tnt.dll is the least of your problems!)


I think there were some clever solutions for running it in a virtual machine.


I also don't think you can use the OLE as a backup - not sure if you can use it as a client either.

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Thanks Tomo


The OLE natively won't work under XP you are correct (And ideally, yes it would be 'real' DOS) but there are patches available to run it within XP as you say with VMWARE...(I think??)


It's my understanding that changing the 220 config file will allow us to use it as a client (ie remote) and as a backup / file server...


but.... cheers for your reply - this is why I ask the question.... :angry:

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Hi there,


You may need to check that the console has the network software and wi-fi software enabled. If it hasn't, you will have some problems.

These are both options that are bought with the console, like channels, an easy way to check is to go into the system setup screen, and there is a list of software installed there, look for NET and WIFI to see if you have them. Sorry not in front of a console to give more detail at present.

If you haven't got the NET and WIFI, you can buy them from Strand, you're buying a long number which when put into the console unlocks those parts of the software for you.

Good luck, I remember having an interesting time with DOS setting up my 520, 510 and nodes from scratch with not much help, but got there in the end



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Any PC when correctly configured, can be used as a server for Strand showfile storage. The important thing is how to access the files from the console.


If you have server application enabled on your console then you do have the ability to grab showfiles form the server whilst in console mode.

Without server enabled, you need to do it manually (applicable to any console) via ioftpdos.


Loading the 500 series or OLE into a PC will allow you to perform all functions on the PC apart from the vital aspect of networking. Networking is disabled when the CS card is not detected at powerup. The workaround is to fit a dongle ($$$$$) to enable the network application.


This is done so that you cannot connect a PC to a node and hey presto you have a lighting console for the price of a node.


If you can advise what applications you have enabled (bottom of the report screen) this will then dictate what can be done with the console as it stands or what "extras" will need to be added.

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