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Strobe flowers


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I dont know if anyone remembers the old Opti Strobe flowers? Used to be a great effect back in the days but havent seen one in a while. Ive got someone selling me a set of 4 with a controller for sub £300. what you recon-still worth the money or are there better effects available nowadays?? Havent really seen a lighting effect similar to this to date..?? :o

very bright,

kinda unique,

no DMX.


At >75 a head with the controller sounds OK.

Know anyone with an Xe 9000 Quasar they want rid of ;-)?




ive actually been offered the set of 4 but one of them 'doesnt work'.


Are these relatively easy to repair, parts available etc or are they a pain in the back side?


if you meen the pro ones not the club ones, I used to hire them a lot from spot co ( now part of fourth phase) they had loads of them. they were always very tempermental and we always got one or two spares with a set of 4 and they seemed to have as many broken ones in their workshop as they did good ones out on hire.


however I have never taken one apart or tried to fix one so its just an impresion


10 years ago I thought they were a really cool effect especially in large rooms, but then again there wasn't mauch else to compare to, no moving heads, just golden scan 1, intelibeam etc so maybe I am remembering them better than they were

as it happens, forth phase are the people selling em...they are the club ones as far as I know.. think I might just give them a miss! thanks for your advice!


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