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Sound desk DESK positions


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Actually what to put it on is more important.

I have the space to put a large mixing desk in a FOH position i.e. Midas heritage but due to show constraints sometime have to move it. It is not permanently installed.


I used to use a Midas that had a sled for touring and siteing the desk in FOH positions securely.



Does anyone know where I can get one or are there any other alternatives??


Essentialy I have a large desk but it moves probably every few months. I need somewhere to install it that isnt a couple of tables!



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Having tried to use one of the cheaper versions this summer, for some smaller digital consoles, I can strongly recommend that a proper midas tilt should be used. The one that we had appeared to have the wrong angle on the curved edge, needing two guys to lift the back of the desk until it started to roll. The metalwork was also quite smooth and we had trouble with it slipping on our concrete floor. It felt unsafe trying to use one for a PM5D, so I don't think I would like to try it with anything heavier! It was very stable in the horizontal position, but a total pain to get it there and back!!



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I second the above comments go for a Midas easy tilt. I think they were around £800 last time I looked but my old company had a proel version around the same price as the LMC offering, and we had lots of similar problems trying to get a A&H ML5k up and down. I no they cost but H3Ks are very heavy.

my 2p

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