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Mac 500 Colour Wheel Fault


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I have a mac 500 that comes up with a C1ER colour wheel fault on the screen, the colour wheel still rotates if you go though the colours manually.


when the head is turned on and goes through its test function the wheel in question doesn't rotate as it does on my other heads, the same can be said if you run a test from the menu.

strangely if you turn the head on with colour wheel one in the position where the magnet is lined up with the sensor the head doesn't reset, the static gobo wheel just rotates continuously until you nudge the colour wheel off the sensor.


so far I have got a multimeter between the plug at the sensor/motor end and the board end to check cable continuity and that is ok both for the motor and the sensor


I have swapped the sensor with one in another head and still no joy, (still fault and other head still seems to work ok).


swapped the control chip for the colour wheel on the main board for one in another working head, still the same error


in the process of this I have totally disconnected and reconnected the main board so no loose connection anywhere there.


whats confusing me if that the colour wheel (1) doesn't rotate during the initial power on tests


I am a bit lost now and fearing the worst, Has anyone got any ideas, things I should try



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Have you tried swapping the stepped motor? If you understand what you are doing you can swap the driver and sensor with another wheel, say gobo or colour wheel 2, if the problem reports on the swapped wheel then it's likely it's an issue with the stepped motor, if the problem still reports on C1 then it's an issue further up the chain.


My guess is the motor...



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