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killed time palettes (pearl expert)


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hi all,

I used for the first time a pearl expert, and for the first time I tried to apply time to palettes.

Pressing the palettes key I founf the "filled time palettes" options. I thougt it could bring time to zero for just some palettes I needed in cut. But that key didn't work at all and I didn't find anything on the manual.

So, is it possible to give different times to different palettes? And what is that key for?

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I'm not sure I understand your post, but I think you are asking about Palette/Options/'kill timed palettes' (or something along those lines)?


IIRC I requested this option during early beta testing of 2004 soft where it was possible to get into trouble running multiple overlapping timed recalls. This provided a way to kill any timing and 'reset' since I think it would otherwise ignore any subsequent times. But that was fixed long ago. I don't really know if it remains just in case or is actually intended to immediately kill any running recalls.


I'm assuming you know how to apply times to palettes. It is not possible to store times in palettes if that was your second question.

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