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having trouble patching colour palletts

I have mac 500 mac 300 mac 250 and robe 1200 spot

when I put colours in to a palett the yellow will not reset.

If I select a mac 500 and swop through each colour once I have selected yellow it stays active only way to remove it is to locate fixture.!!


can anyone Help...

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Is this changing from say blue to yellow and back again?


I am sure someone a lot more cleverer than I can answer this properly, but from memory, the D4 does a similar thing, so you have to reset all colour wheels, CMY etc wheels to 0% (ie ajust it so it gets into the programmer) then mix your colour and record...?


So for example if you want to use Y and no C and M, you still need to wind up C and M a bit so their zero value gets into the programmer. Especially important when working with CMY units, or units with 2 colour wheels, as you can get some VERY odd results!!! Obviously you would 'zero' your colour wheels out as well.


Same applies with gobo too, if I am not mistaken?

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I don't understand from your post exactly what you expect to happen, or at least what you mean by 'reset'.


If you select a fixture and apply a palette, the information goes into the programmer. This will override any playbacks until you clear this from the programmer. Once cleared the yellow attribute value will still remain since it is an LTP channel.


Another way of interpreting your post is that you have not explicitly recorded all the necessary colour information into all relevant palettes, giving you strange results depending on recall order as JDP describes. This will occur in 'record by channel' mode, where the desk allows you to be very specific about what is and what is not in a memory, giving the greatest control and flexibility. But it does mean you must be accurate!

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Hi Nic,


Just to confirm for us all, when programming in CMY values to units with colourwheels, is it NECESSARY to dial up then 0% all the unused parameters in colour.


So, if I want my Robe 700 to be yellow via the CMY, I would dial up then zero my Colour Wheel 1, Colour Wheel 2, C and M wheels, and obviously dial my yellow up yo 100%, OR could I just dial up the Y and hit Record Pallet?


And does the above vary between desks, say between Pearls, Pearl Experts, Sapphires, D4s etc?

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When in record by channel mode it will specifically only record attributes that have been placed in the programmer. That means each colour attribute (ie. CMY+wheel) must be adjusted in your example. This is so you have maximum control and allows you to deliberately only record a single attribute, should you wish.


In record by fixture all attributes of a given fixture are recorded if an edit has been made to any single one. This can be quicker but is obviously much less accurate.


In both modes you can easily merge any missing values on top (prompt option on memory, automatic on palette) and, similarly, you can merge OFF settings for any attribute that you did not want in a cue or palette.


These rules are the same for all consoles from an ancient rollacue through to the D4 and new Titan builds. However, with the D4 and Titan you do have further controls to enable masking before recording. In this way you could (I think!) use record by fixture, mask all but colour (automatically fixed wheel + CMY) and essentially get all colour info even though you only edited one. If that makes sense?

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Hi Nic,


I think we have crossed wires here? Unless I am heavily mistaken, I was not aware there was such thing as a record by fixture/channel for PALLETS I thought it was just for cues/subs?


Have I mis understood, or do I need to make my question above about 'dialing in' and out clearer...?

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