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Public Liability Insurance


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I've been attempting to get a quote for PLI. all the online quotations I've completed (11!) ask two questions:

do you work with Heat? (NO) - at least I assumethey mean naked flames, welding etc

do you work at height? (YES)


I got one reply saying they couldn't quote. all the others ignored me.


Can anyone recommend someone who will take me on.


It seems many only will do it with property, vehicle, employee and PLI as one package. I've got the others, but not PLI

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This has been discussed before plenty of times IIRC. If you search the general tech forum you should find something.


On another note, does anyone know do you have to be 18 to get PL insurance?


EDIT: Here , Here and Here for a start


Online, is the worst place for financial services inc insurance if you are out of the ordinary -- and this industry is.

A friend worked in an insurance tele-sales centre and they refused to cover any risky cars, risky occupations or known/famous names as a matter of principle.

Go to a Broker's office wearing a shirt and tie and they will find insurance for you.


bectu is 120 for a full year or can be 30 for a graduat membership, you do get the PLI but dont get all the legal suport from the union, if you join bectu after the 1st may I believe you will get a full years PLI for free, (or at least thats what they were telling me this morning) otherwise its free to the 30th april then 18 for the next year.





'Fraid it is a bit... PLI = Public Liability Insurance.


It's there to pay out if you maim/kill some punters. Rather it's not, it's there to make money for the shareholders...


<cynic mode off>

What is PLI is it just insurance where if you injure yourself you get compensation and do you have to be 18 to get it? (SORRY IF THIS IS A DUM QUESTION)

No, PLI is short for Public Liability Insurance. Anyone who's working on a freelance or self-employed basis, or runs their own company, should have some. IT basically covers your ass against anything which might happen as a result of your actions. In this crappy American-influenced compensation culture that we live in (don't get me started on that! :rolleyes: ), it's especially important - and, for the same reasons, incredibly expensive these days ....


Regarding the other comments about BECTU's public liability policy - that's who I have my PLI cover with (£3 million indemnity). As long as you're a member, you can pay an extra annual premium (no freebies, Ben) and you're covered under their all-members policy. The annual premium has gone up a bit this year due to an increase in their costs. I do have the letter somewhere telling me how much it's going to be this time around, but I can't find it right now - I'll get back to you if I come across it.


Found the BECTU letter - the Public Liability Insurance option is increasing from £15/year to £18/year (in addition to the normal union subs).



Moderation, 23/4/04 14:49 - thread moved to General Tech Chat.

Rather it's not, it's there to make money for the shareholders...

I'm not sure that's the case. Many sectors of the insurance industry have been losing money for quite a while now.


That's one of the reasons why both PLI and ELI cover can be hard to find or expensive. The situation has got so bad that the government is seeing what it can do to improve things :rolleyes:


I stand by what I wrote. If the company is not making money from the policies, the bump the cost / refuse to cover.


The purpose of insurance is to make money.


Insurance; The White Mans Burden. Copyright Messrs. Milligan, Sellers & Secombe


Moderator's edit to correct spelling of Goon Show title, 00:08 24/4/04 - Sapristi Spon! You can't get the wood, you know ...


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