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Angling Set Pieces in Wysiwyg


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I have just constructed the lightbox that I will be touring with this autumn in Wysiwyg.


What I am trying to do is set the lightbox so the front of it sits at a height of 5 metres and the back of it will be sat at 3.9 metres.


Does anyone have any idea how I can do this?


I am running Wysiwyg version 17, and also I have PM'd merlin 24 with this question but enclosing my dongle number to him.





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So you want to tip a structure so that one end of it is lower than the other? Go into a side elevation view, select the object, select Rotate, pick the point about which you want to rotate whatever it is, and fill yer boots! :)


I couldn't have put it better myself... :-)

The elevation views are your friend.

Tony thanks for the PM.




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