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CS4 Studio Due Manual


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Hi everyone,


I have some CS4's on a show at the moment and one unit is ill, when I plug the DMX in it goes into demo mode. Has anyone come across this before or does anyone know where I can download a manual for them?


Many thanks All,


Techtech (Stocky)


Sorry it's Studio DUE


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Unsurprisingly the manual is available from their website, or here (Zip) if you can't be bothered to spend thirty seconds Googling and another minute navigating their site. Unfortunately from a quick scan of the manual, there doesn't appear to be any mention of demo modes with no DMX input, but I don't remember the ones we had doing it, so it may be a jumper or something inside the unit.
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The Unit will tell you it is in demo mode if it is in actual fact in demo mode.


If the LCD screen does not say demo, it sounds more like a bad DMX issue. We have these units in our hire stock, and they do behave funny if DMX is put in them wrongly.


Make sure you hae the correct personality file, I know with a Hog II you have to add extra dimmer channels to make a CS4 play properly.




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Unsurprisingly the manual is available from their website, or here (Zip) if you can't be bothered to spend thirty seconds Googling and another minute navigating their site. Unfortunately from a quick scan of the manual, there doesn't appear to be any mention of demo modes with no DMX input, but I don't remember the ones we had doing it, so it may be a jumper or something inside the unit.


Of course I googled for the manual!!!!! I'm not lazy! What didn't help was that as usual time was a factor, I spent 20 minutes looking for it that's why I turned to the blue room for help. I came back 10 mins later and another post was posted about another studio DUE unit and I reaslised my mistake!! I googled the right name and hey presto one manual. Thank you for looking thou honestly much appreciated!

I discovered that it was in the incorrect mode, any CS4's linked together all need too be in the same mode, in this case mode 3. The one dodgy CS4 was in mode 1. The user manual didn't tell me this I just tried trial and error, having checked all other factors, DMX, desk etc.


Thanks all for your help.



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another post was posted about another studio DUE unit and I reaslised my mistake!! I googled the right name and hey presto one manual.
Sorry for the slightly snipey post, I'd not twigged about the misspelling when searching. Anyway glad you've got your problem resolved.
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I was (un)fortunate enough to be given two pre-release CS4s to evaluate whilst I was running the Fridge. They were beset by problems; at best they were unreliable and at worst they just wouldn't work at all. One thing I did notice was they had a habit of interfering with each other as well as any other lights in their DMX loop. Putting a buffer box on the end of the loop and giving them their own seperate lines seemed to cure some problems, but in the end I sacked them as they were more trouble than they were worth.


The personality was also poorly concieved and it took many hours of editing on my Pearl Expert to get some modicum of control, I actually had more success on an Azure by patching their block in as dimmers and manually programming it; which, of course, took forever.


This was in 2006 - It pains me that Studio Due still don't seem to have sorted this but of kit out, because, when it works, it's a fantastic bit of kit in an LD's arsenal and can be used to dramatic effect on both TV and concerts. BBC1's unsignedAct used them on some of their stage sets (I can't remember the LD off-hand) and they looked really good.


All the best


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