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Box Shifting


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Hi all,


Does anyone know of a decent way to get a wheeled flightcase (75kg 100cm W x 40cm D x 75cm H) from Nottinghamshire about 30mins from Sheffield to South Devon.

I've tried couriers but they either want silly money (£200-£300) or are unable to touch it as it is too heavy (35kg seems to be the standard).


Does anyone have any ideas? If anyone's traveling that kinda route I'm willing to give fuel money!


Chears in advance,



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35Kg is the standard because that's the maximum weight one person is legally allowed to carry in a working environment, as far as I know. Not that that helps your question but at least you know there's a sensible reason for it.
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OT but.. WOW thanks for that link. They are quoting me a "medium pallet" from my house in edin to here in spain for 250 pounds!!! BARGAIN saying that DHL wanted a grand!!


I think I´ll be palleting up a load of my kit when I´m home in July!

Gonna leave my current possition (I think) so having kit here will be a god send to start up doing stuff on my own!!


Back on topic.... have you thought about "man with a van" adverts?


Or are any BR´s passing through on their way to a job down south??

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35Kg is the standard because that's the maximum weight one person is legally allowed to carry in a working environment, as far as I know.

Not true.


There is no legal limit as to what people can carry as long as the risks are properly managed. The amount someone can safely lift or carry depends on a whole host of factors.

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