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Mac 250 Hire near Nuneaton/Coventry


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I am looking around for a place to hire some Mac 250 Entours around the Nuneaton/Coventry Area.


I have tried CSR, and Showtech.


I just want a wide range of quotes before I make a decision


Any suggestions guys?





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If you've tried CSR for Mac 250's then you've tried the best in the area! There are other Mac Hire companies in that area but they tend to start at 500's and 600's and work upwards - and to be honest most of them will hire from CSR if you ask them for Mac 250's in quantity.


Gary is good at what he does - the kit is well turned out and he does have 250's in quantity (not many of the other hirers will have them in quantity). I am biased, we do use CSR as well and have been very happy with the service Gary gives - you might well find cheaper but when you get the kit you will discover why (been there - done that!).

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You could try Stage Electrics in Brum, but like Ian said, your best bet, escpecially if you are in Nuneaton is Gary at CSR.


Just to confirm, I'm fairly sure one of our amateur companies recently hired a couple of 250's from Stage Electrics in Birmingham, although I'm not sure if they were brought in from another branch!

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