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Help with soundcraft fx16


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can anyone tell me the pinouts of a soundcraft fx16 4-pin XLR power connector, I think they're +-17v, 0v and 48v, can someone clarify this and tell me which pin is which?





Moderation: Moved to the Sound Forum as you're more likely to get a Soundcraft expert passing through here!

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This information doesn't directly address the original post, but given the second post, it might be helpful.


The RacPac has the same XLR4 power connector, and its manual says that the connector is

Pin 1 20V AC

Pin 2 not connected

Pin 3 0V

Pin 4 20V AC


However the RacPac I acquired second hand came with a Folio 4 PSU, which says on it 18.4V AC-0V-18.4V AC (Type: MPE 95-1716) If you have a PSU and it's marked similarly to that, it's possible that the three consoles have similar supplies.

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