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amp matching


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why is it that with certain speaker types you have to use a specific amp type ie:D&B with there amps. An engineer I was working with the other day was saying that he didnt like using new RMX amps with his ARCS. Surely a good quality amp will do the job as well as the next good quality amp?

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It is often not the amplifier that is the thing the speakers need.


To use your example of D&B, the D12 amplifier has built in processing for each of the D&B boxes, this allows the user to program the amps up and not have to worry about crossover settings and limiting as it's all done for you. There is often some fine tuning (eq / delay etc) done within this unit aswell to perfect the sound of the box. It's for this reason (and the fact that they are also reliable amps) that you need to use the right amps for this.


All boxes require some processing when used as part of a larger system. For boxes from manufacturers that DON'T have their own amps with built in dsp then theoretically any amp should do with a separate processor. Of course, better amps are going to perform better.



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