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TAS Mini Ultra-Scan Scanner Servicing


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A friend of mine recently passed me two used TAS Mini Ultra-Scans for servicing and a bit of TLC, as they looked rather badly abused and didn't work properly. On closer inspection, I found one was completely dead (wires, motherboard, voltage reg etc all burnt out) and the other one needed a lot of work done to it. I've used the burnt out unit as a donor for the mirror as the other was smashed and a few bits and pieces. After a lot of dismantling, tlc and cleaning, I've now got one semi-working unit.


However, I have one problem. Whilst I've now got one semi-working unit rather than two dead ones, the tilt stepping motor on the unit isn't working properly and keeps getting stuck, as do the stepping motors connected to the gobo and colour wheels. I've used a lot of magic juice (aka WD40) on them, but to no avail. I'm guessing it's also possible that the scanners have been left outside for a while because a few screws, bolts are are rusty.


My question is where can I pick up new stepping motors for this model? I don't think I can use the ones from the burned out scanner because they're most likely to be dead although I will give them a try. Also, does anyone who has serviced these before have any tips?


Also, what's the link between Coemar and the Mini Ultra-Scan? I remember seeing someone in a post on another thread that caught my eye!


Any help would be much appreciated.



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Hi there, I have serviced some of these units before. However I do not know where you can get spare's from off the shelf. I think the link with TAS and Coemar is that Coemar took TAS over and made some tweeks to them, I have a pair of Coemar ones (look identical, except black) however they have tungsten lamps in them, so have a dimmer built in too. You may be able to go through Coemar for spares though. One thing I did notice on the units I repaired was that the triac that controls the gobo rotation had failed, so I added a heat sink to it to cool it down, as they do get quite warm. This has seemed to cure the problem.
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