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Looking to Hire WHITE hard masking flats - any offers?

la grande homme

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Hi Folks, looking to HIRE some masking for a show on the 18th of May. Would build, but no storage and would rather not chuck it away afterwards. I need:


2x 2.5m wide by 2m (though can be up to 3.5m) white flats with a brace.


4x 2m wide by 4m high white flats with a brace


any suggestions / offers?


Nb; I DO NOT WANT TO MAKE THESE yet - I can do that if needs be, I want to try to hire first.






SORRY, when you're based in London you forget there are other places! I need them in London or surrounding area.

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It sounds like the sort of stock held by conference companies but can't suggest any to try in London as that isn't really my territory.


If you can't locate any hire stock how about covering black flats with fabric? might save you some construction time but the fabric would need to be quite thick or doubled up just a thought, good luck



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As Leo suggests - conference companies. PSL in Potters Bar have a good set department.


Wherever you get them from, I'd make sure that they're supplied wrapped for transit as you'll be amazed at the number of times white flats turn up on site rather less than pristine white :D



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