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behringer HD400

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I used one when an outside speaker insisted on using their own laptop that no matter what I tried with the settings or power supply it hummed like hell. It didn't completely solve the problem but it did bring it down to an acceptable level.

For the price I always keep one in my box for those situations when all else fails.

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It depends what you mean by " a better company". A lot of people really hate behringer, and a lot of people love them for the price/feature ratio.

I personally am in the latter category. Yes, their build quality on a lot of stuff isn't brilliant, however a lot of the live sound type boxes you can actually afford to buy 3 of th behringers AND have them all repaired a couple of times before you get to the price level of any competition. (only a slight exaggeration).


Also, some of their live sound rackmount type equipment is actually built really sturdily, just as good as the competition.


At the end of the day, not the most high quality kit available, but in most live sound situations in my experience the audience don't notice or care.

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I tried the 400 but I get much better isolation from noise using an ART version, connecting a laptop to the schools pa when using a power pack to the Lap Top.


ART DTI - Dual Transformer / Isolater..... about £40. Does not seem affected by other wall warts.


Thats my 2 pence...



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can I just add to my previous post that I was talking about the ART DTI box, not the behringer. I have awful problems with them and wall warts/dimmers. I must say though, other than the EM problem its a really bloody handy tool!
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