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Panasonic WJ-AVE7

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I have been given what is marked up as a WJ-AVE7 mixer and am looking at possibly using it to mix input from two Panasonic DV minicams and to output the results via a projector. I'm not looking for top quality or anything because the projector isn't top of the range.


Google searches for the manual come up with nothing other than pay sites that I don't trust and searching on here results in plenty of references to the AVE55 but not this model. Is the AVE55 that much better than the AVE7 or didn't they sell that many and thus nobody used them?


Everything so far seems to work as it seems to have been looked after. I've had it mixing between two cameras so far (need a lead for the third) and all seems fine but I want to explore it's full capabilities so any help anyone can offer would be appreciated.

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I believe this model was made for the domestic market, I have owned an AVE5, WV55 an now an MX 50 and all have proved to be reliable. I noticed a marked difference in the "video noise" (graininess of the picture) between the domestic and semi-pro models, but I guess you get what you paid for. The chromakey options on all these mixers are impressive, as is the ability to sync together the unsynchronised sources. Check out Ebay, there always seems to be at least on Panasonic video mixer on there at any one time. Apparantly it cost around £1400 in 1993, so if you find a good-un for silly money - grab it!


http://www.rickmaybury.com/Altarcs/Vidcam/94/panave7.htm - review of the AVE7

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