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Head mic pops and crackles - can they be serviced?


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Hi, I'm currently on a tour using 3 sennheiser radio head mics, and recently they've started to crackle as the actors run about. also, when screwing the mics into the belt packs, I've had one pack that no longer tightens, it just spins round and round, so switched to the spare. Now I'm worried the spare is going to go, and I no longer have back-up. I'm currently in digs in London, anyone know where I could get a set looked at in London this weekend, someone to tell me how much they're going to cost to get fixed, if they can be? We tour mon-fri, so weekends are my only option. Any suggestions gratefully recieved,

Ros x

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I would guess that your crackly problem is due to a loose/broken wire, more than likely just above the plug. We have a box at work full of me2's with this problem, just waiting for someone with a free couple of hours to fix them. Its a simple test. Plug them in and move the cables around need the plug, trying to keep everything else still and see if you can make the cracking sound. As for the lock ring, I would guess and say that the thread has been stripped and you need to replace the connector, there pretty steep mind, a tenner or so for a higher quality one.




EDIT: I diddnt read the post properly, it sounds like the thread on the transmitter is stripped, in which case this is a much more serious job and you need to get a profesional to look at it.

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Discussion about various cheaper alternative headset mics comes up here often. As a backup it may be worth ordering a couple. Whilst this doesn't cure your locking socket problem, it may get you through a show.


The G2 plastic transmitters have never been as bomb proof as the old ones.

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Your non-locking problem may be a simple fix, but you'll need to be careful.

I found some of our G1 transmitters had a similar problem, and it's a simple case of re-tightening the locking serrated nut on the transmitter itself that holds the socket in place. If that's loose, you won't be able to tighten the mic plugs and can cause the popping you describe.


Another issue I found was that some of the older locking mini-jacks we purchased (can't recall where from) were ever so slightly longer than the original ME2 plugs, so the tip didn't sit quite right inside the sockets...

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