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Yamaha 02R Aux Pre/Post EQ


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Hello Everybody,


I am trying to find out if there is a possibility to switch the AUX1-6 post-EQ.


I want to use the console for mixing FOH and Monitors, in live sound application.


At the moment though, I don't seem to be able to get the channel eqs


to affect the signal out of the auxes.


The console seems to be able to switch the auxes only Pre/Post fader, but I haven't been able to find anything


in the manual rearding Auxes Pre/Post EQ.





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Something strange is happening then because, from memory (confirmed by a quick look at the block diagram in the manual) all the auxes are ONLY post EQ. As far as I know, there's not supposed to be any way to make them pre-EQ, so if that's what you have then I wonder if there's some kind of fault.



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