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Who's going where?

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Well I guess it's that time of year where all of us students find out where we are going to study in September ;)


So, just wondering where people are going to go/where you have applied for?



EDIT: Sorry forgot to say that I will be going to LIPA on the Theatre and Preformance Technology course

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LIPA (BA hons live perfromance and theatre technology) Rejected

RWCMD (BA hons stage management and technical theatre) Rejected

Middlesex (BA hons stage management and technical theatre) Rejected

Guildhall (BA hons stage management and tech theatre)interview next week

Queen Margaret (BA hons Stage management and technical theatre) Int. April

Swansea institute of higher education (HND Tech theatre) not heard from yet

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Hey Guys,

I've been reading this board for a while now but this is my first post!


I'm going to Guildhall in September, (hopefully I will pass an A Level!) to do the ba hons technical theatre and stage management course!


I can't wait. 6th form is driving me mad!


Is there anyone else on here going?



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Hiya you Guys - glad to hear everyone's application are ticking over- I am in the first year at RSAMD, and I think this is such a great business you will have a good time wherever you go. Have a good time.


BTW, Chris H, Welsh College gave me straight rejection pre interview, don't know why in particular - I accept they might not want me as a student but I think the RSAMD policy of interviewing everyone is very good.


Any thoughts?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

Ive just been offered a place at Mountview on the 2yr Technical Theatre course, whether or not I actualy get to go will depend on securing a DaDA but im hopeful. Is anybody else going to Mountview or already there? Im so chuffed to have got the place, was my last shot at getting a place for next year! :stagecrew:


I just cant be doing with 6th form anymore, as it happens im at the same 6th form as Owen(ski) and can vouch for how irritating it is! Especially when you might have a technical theatre course lined up for September! :D



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