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searchlight from helicopter


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I need to create the effect of a helicopter mounted searchlight for "God Only Knows" in mid May. The old Pancan seems to have been (mercifully?) withdrawn.


Last year Stage Electrics introduced something called the "Right Arm" which could do the job beautifully but dont yet hire them and my budget doesn't run to buying one. Has anyone played with this device and/or know a company who hires them?


Any alternative ideas would be interesting. For once noise may not be too much of an issue as presumably this helicopter would have an engine!


Rob Thirlby

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This is what I'd use...


The only problem with a moving mirror, as opposed to a moving head, is that the shape of the beam changes as the angle of the mirror changes. I think you'd be better off with something akin to a moving head rather than a mirror.


A couple of months back there was a helicopter searchlight wandering around my street for quite some time late one night. Exceptionally bright, very wide beam (although that depends on altitude of course) and a very distinctive jerky motion. Imagine a sticky followspot at the back of an arena - might take a bit of programming to achieve the effect realistically - smooth pan & tilt it ain't!

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The shape of the beam also changes with a moving head, to get a perfectly round beam of light you need to project in a straight line.


Either will do the job perfectly, as the beam angle changes on a helicopter search light.


If you want a random movement, something like an old Par36 scanner will do the job, but it all depends on what budget you have available as to the effect you can get, also how bright the ambient lighting will be at the time its needed...

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All lights change the beam shape as the angle to the ground plane changes - even a parallel beamlight does. The helicopter beam, due to the height, tracks at a very similar angle to the ground plane, meaning the beam stays the same shape. If you really have to have that effect, then a par can on a tab track would work rather nicely, and in a bit of haze, look very different.
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How tight is your budget? You can hire a MAC250 for £100 per week, and if your looking down the automated generic route then theres the ETC Source 4 Revolution :D Haha a revolution its certanly not. Well, its a nice fixture when you get it up on the rig, its just getting it there thats the problem!



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A single ACL 250 or 450w running off a tranformer would do. trouble is that beams are only visible in haze. Will the light be from a fixed place or will the "helicopter" be moving. A 500w scanner (disco ish) should have the jerkiness needed for realism when run off a joystick.
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