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Vx1100 gateway monitor


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I have Acquired a gateway 21" VX110 monitor.....after spending much time searching the tinternet looking for info....


I have decided that the best place to ask for info is of course the Blue-room!


My question is this....


on the back of my monitor I have 3 connectors, 5 BNC's, 1 D-Sub, and a round pin serial connector.


I understand what the BNC and D-sub are for however am most perplexed over the round serial connector with 8 pin connections....is this just another video connection or does this monitor do touch screen or am I just living in a dream world!?!? ;)

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If you click on the image in Peter's post it hyperlinks you to a page which says...


This monitor contains a RS232 (Sony Serial) serial interface input connector next to the AC input. To use this connector, a serial interface kit may need to be purchased. This connector can be used by devices that support the RS232; for example, a camcorder.
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I've found a picutre of the rear of the monitor, but I can't see the serial connection on it... here. Perhaps you have a modified version?


having clicked on your link....


the socket is there its the one to the left of the D-sub socket and to the right of the IEC socket, which above it states it to be a serial socket.


Now I have never come across a socket that has 8 pins in this configuration as S-Vhs is 4 pins and a plastic locator in the middle....I guess this monitor is OLD and hence has a random connector for this use!

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