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Zero 88 Jester

Ross Bristo

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Hi All

I'am trying to find a peice of software to do some modeling at home so not at the school , I have downloaded and installed and am in the process of reading the manual for it and finding it interesting :D

Can any one tell me if free style is compatible with any lighting desk or just some?

Cheers Ross.B

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I'am trying to find a peice of software to do some modeling

Airfix modelling? Underwear modelling? Railway modelling?


at home so not at the school



I have downloaded and installed and am in the process of reading the manual for it and finding it interesting :D

Downloaded and installed what?


Can any one tell me if free style is compatible with any lighting desk or just some?

Free style? Isn't that something to do with skateboarding or BMX? And what's a Zero88 Jester (as per the title of this incredibly pointless topic) got to do with anything?


In other words ... what the hell are you going on about?

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I'am trying to find a peice of software to do some modeling

Airfix modelling? Underwear modelling? Railway modelling?


at home so not at the school



I have downloaded and installed and am in the process of reading the manual for it and finding it interesting :D

Downloaded and installed what?


Can any one tell me if free style is compatible with any lighting desk or just some?

Free style? Isn't that something to do with skateboarding or BMX? And what's a Zero88 Jester (as per the title of this incredibly pointless topic) got to do with anything?


In other words ... what the hell are you going on about?


Apolgies I have not made my self clear what I have is a piece of software called PCstage and am trying to program and run the whole show throught PC stage, and byepass the lighting desk program mode, all I would like to know is will it work basically?

Sorry for any confusion let me know if it still is not clear


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what I have is a piece of software called PCstage and am trying to program and run the whole show throught PC stage, and byepass the lighting desk program mode, all I would like to know is will it work basically?


Yes Ross, it will.


But then you would expect me to say that, as I'm a happy PCStage user :D


But.... to make the lights work you need to get a specific DMX512 interface, available only from the PCStage people, there two versions, one handles 36 channels, the other 512.

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Cheers for that ill look in to the DMX interface unit



Had you bothered to read the information presented to you on the Lowernab website, from whence you downloaded the software, you would have discovered all that for yourself.



Moderation: QUALITY CONTROL - and with no guilt feelings at all, I'm going to shut this before it goes into our usual OT mode - any member who has been active more than a week will know exactly what I mean!

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