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I am using a JEM ZR22 that has worked well for me, I would like to build a simple on/off type switch for the smoke rather than use the multifuntion remote control... has anyone any experience of doing this?


found this as information and it uses a 3 pin XLR:


"Use remote XLR socket Pin 1 GND and Pin 2, 0-10v input. This pin needs 1.5v to heat the machine and 2-10v to run the pump when up to working temperature"


Any help or advice would be much appreciated.


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Guest joewhite903

I will work it out for you, are you wanting it to go full power when you hit the button or do you need some form off control, I know exactly how to do it

, Ta joe

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cheers! I want it to just go full power until the switched is turned off, quite simple.


I have since found out by pressing the stand by button this sends a low voltage to the heater telling it to warm and then the second signal a 2-10V is for the output, I can only assume that the 2-10V is the vary in output? and if it just got a 10V then the output would be full.


On a second note, I have just been discussing the same unit with a friend who has a problem with the unit not heating up to full temp, I thought the unit uses a thermocouple temperature sensor to tell the electronics when it hits temp and allowing the pump to work, but I notice that the unit also has a thermostat on the cast alloy heater block... this switches the live to the heater, so I was wondering if this switch is to control the temperature of the block OR if it was just an over temp protector? I know that this piece could fail over time as it is a simple bi-metal device that would only be rated for a number of cycles.

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