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projection size issue


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the situation..... we have a laptop that according to the settings is outputting 1024x768 @ 60 -75 Hz however the image that the projector is out putting is very small.


we have tired changing both the size on the laptop 800x600 and the freq. both didn't help. We also thought it might be the projector but changing this also didn't help oh yeah and the lead was also changed too. Any idea appreciated as this one has foxed us.

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Sounds like you've narrowed it down to the laptop.


...the image that the projector is out putting is very small.

Could you be more specific about what is "small"?


Is the "throw" of the projector large, but the image is small in the middle of it.

Or: Is the image filling the projected area but a "small" pixelated image being shown? (what it sounds like you mean to me)

Or: Something else.


Also are you running a PC or MAC, which projector are you using and what method of connection?

To suggest the obvious first move: Have you reset said laptop after changing the graphics settings?



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Presuming that your using windows right click on your desktop and select properties. Go along to the settings tab and select the second monitor and change the resolution that way for the external monitor.http://www.blue-room.org.uk/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif
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it was a PC laptop using the VGA 15 pin connection. By small image I mean small image the projector worked fine when connected to another source. you fired up the projector got out the normal blue screen set it at the correct distance then when the laptop was fn 'F*' keyed to use the VGA it outputted it as a small image, no lens issues.



Presuming that your using windows right click on your desktop and select properties. Go along to the settings tab and select the second monitor and change the resolution that way for the external monitor.http://www.blue-room.org.uk/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif


this was also tried but changing the size didnt affect the physical size of the out put only the resolution that was being output

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What is the make/model of the laptop and of projector?


The projectors do show a full image when connected to another PC/laptop don't they?


Check the laptop is running the latest video driver but from what you've said it is more likely to be a faulty port on the laptop like one of the sync pins.

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What is the make/model of the laptop and of projector?


The projectors do show a full image when connected to another PC/laptop don't they?


Check the laptop is running the latest video driver but from what you've said it is more likely to be a faulty port on the laptop like one of the sync pins.


Following on from this, maybe try plugging the laptop in question into a normal CRT monitor and see what happens.

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Some laptops have there own software for vga o/put which conflicts with the windows settings. I had the same problem when I replaced my old toshiba's with Acer's.Got to a conference tried all 3 the o/put was halved so I ended up stretching the image via a Folsom,got back to the office checked the settings on the o/put via windows then found a little program in the Acer settings which if you like was the master vga o/puts.

Really P****d me off coz if the Folsom was'nt on the job I'd have looked like a muppet!

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Some laptops have there own software for vga o/put which conflicts with the windows settings. I had the same problem when I replaced my old toshiba's with Acer's.Got to a conference tried all 3 the o/put was halved so I ended up stretching the image via a Folsom,got back to the office checked the settings on the o/put via windows then found a little program in the Acer settings which if you like was the master vga o/puts.

Really P****d me off coz if the Folsom was'nt on the job I'd have looked like a muppet!

thats why its the swiss army knife of the AV world!

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thats why its the swiss army knife of the AV world!


shame it was bought by barco then, and the product prices massively increased....


...FSR Eagle all the way.... Although it only seems to come in at half the price of Barco Encore... Just have to put it in your suitcase and bring it back from the states...

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