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Hi all. I have a VRX scanner with a problem. I had two motors go down in this unit so I

I swapped them around so that the colour wheel and gobo wheel was working, and put the broken motors on the shutter and rotator for the gobos.


I plugged them in and tested them on my masterpiece and all working fine, but when I plugged them into the DMX loop in the venue, (they use marting light jokey) the DMX SIGNAL light doesnt light up, they seem to shake and shudder, and I get the error code IN1 on the LCD.


Any ideas?



Thank you,


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I would make a guess at the Abstract gear running with pins 2 & 3 reversed (or the martin gear reversed, whichever way you want to look at it!). Therefore you'd need a cable that swapped pins 2 & 3 going from the Martin stuff into the abstract and vice-versa when back out again.


The only odd thing I can see with that is that they work with your Masterpiece - do you use a converter as part of your set-up with that?



Edit: Maybe not - just had a flick through the manual and it seems to suggest that VRX's automatically detect which pin is hot. I also wouldn't expect them to do anything at all (ie shuddering etc) if they were not receiving a signal. Can't find any mention of 'IN1' in the manual either.

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thought it might of been that too but the light was working fine on the cable that it is connected too before, and now its been refitted up there, using the same cable, its now not working.


The only thing I have to go on is the 'IN1' thing.


Im stumped.

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INI means the fixture is initialising (resetting) the positions of the motors. If you've got INI permanently on the display, it's probably having trouble rotating the motors to the correct positions.


Rather than swapping one faulty motor from one position to another, try fitting a new motor so all the motors work.

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Is maybe the way they're flown making one of the motors worse than when it's on test? I had this once with an NJD Quasar. The magnetism on the pan motor was weak, it would initialize great on the bench but gravity worked against it when it was off its bracket. Just a thought thats all!
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