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Strand MX Go Button


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I just got my hands on a Strand MX board and I'm really enjoying it! This is also a really great website, I've learned so much just be looking through the forums.


My only problem with the Strand board is the seemingly famous lack of a GO Button. I've heard that there may be some kind of work around with MIDI or something, but does anyone know how to do this? I'd love to be able to get my scenes in order, set the timing, then just go through them sequentially with a GO Button similar to a larger board. Please help!




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I have an MX24 smashing little desk.


As Paul says put a state on each sub, and then with the desk in the correct mode you can cross fade sequentially through the subs incrementing automatically using the C & D faders which is a bit like a GO button with timed fades.

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