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LDR Scrollers


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I may be in the market for some scrollers in the near future and was wondering if there is anyone with any experience of LDR scrollers. I'm thinking about attaching some XPress 18s to four 1200w Fresnels to create general stage cover with some standard colours.


I'm attracted to them because of the relatively low price and the included colour scrolls. What is worrying me is Italian electrics and build quality. This is my first post and I have looked through the forum for similar threads to no avail. I have read the many comments on Croma Q scrollers and it would appear that these are looked upon favourably.


Any advice is much appreciated.




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I've programmed only one show with LDR's. The only problem I had was one of them kept on re-caling. This could have been just the set up, or an error in the line. but this happened a few times during the run. it had no reason to reset and this is the only manufacturer that I've had this problem with.



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Good day Rob,


The LDR color scrollers you've mentioned are not produced in Italy, but rather a private labled brand from elsewhere. The scroller line is somewhat similar to the Apollo Smart Color scroller range, but lacks the improvements in the scroller bearings and retainer blocks, door clasp, digital circuitboard updates, and the lack of Gel Shield protection for the strings.


To get an honost 'head to head' comparison of both price and feature set, you may want to compare the total scroller cost with that of Stage Electrics' Smart Color. Louise may be reached at 44-117-9379-583 or by email to: louise dot nutt at stage-electrics dot co dot uk


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