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Cool Pyro Video


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I found this video and I was wondering what you guys thought? It was put on for my friend's 21st birthday using Kimbolton fireworks.

Includes the biggest flame projector ever and loads of remote ignition.


Apologies for the camera work but it's the best video that survived!!


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I gave this a go, and my first impressions?

That there was an extremely idiotic firework lighter wandering about VERY close to some rather large fireworks throughout the sequence, waving their lighter around. I only got about 2 minutes in to the 22 minutes total, then gave up as interest waned to zero.

I know Kimbolton produce pro displays, but (apologies to them if they did the show) this didn't appear to be that pro.

There didn't seem to be much correlation to the music being played or to much co-ordination of the effects as a whole.


Sorry, but this didn't strike me as any more 'cool' than the local amateur wannabe bonfire night dsplay.


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Ahh amateur night, compares to a real firework display like your local nursery nativity play to a west end musical, only more chance people get hurt.


Kimbolton make some nice pro stuff, but I guess they like most also sell boxes of chinese crud to the general public



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I agree. Not anything special. maybe if the footage was taken a bit further back it may have looked better. But to me it looks like a group of 21 year olds have got hold of a sound system, a couple of moving lights and some fireworks and attempted to put on a 'show'


I may of course be wrong.....



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The first line of our Terms and Conditions is:


The Blue Room is a discussion forum, set up for the purposes of discussing

issues related to life and work 'behind the scenes' in the Entertainments Industry.


I'm afraid a mate's birthday party doesn't really count as "the entertainments industry".


Therefore' I'm afraid, this does not pass our Quality Control standard and the mods have decided to close this one.



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