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The 2004 BlueToe Awards


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The BlueToe Awards



For all those who missed my rather inept and slightly alcohol-enhanced presentation of the BlueToe Awards yesterday, I'll try and repeat it here in text:


Speel Clunker Award

Now, this was the award I looked after, and I got a somewhat less than impressive three nominations, for three different people.. So, in no particular order, the worst abusers of the English language are:




and the wildcard, James, for the single act of claiming that his gig was performed "Anally"


Best "Ooops" Story

This award was administered by Thirdtap. Unfortunately, by the time came to announce this one, he'd forgotten any of the reasoning behind why the winners won. Hopefully he'll elaborate for us later. So, the winners, for unstated reasons, were:



James C


Best Distraction

I'm afraid that it's another three-way split here - but at least we know the reasons for this one! The winners were:


Kevin Robertson - for the penguin whacking game.

Beccy_D - for the Roadies game

Bryson - for Googlism


On a personal note, I think that Kevin is the moral victor there, as most of us have done nothing else since he posted the damn thing...


Most Helpful Company Rep

A proper award here, with nominations and an overall winner and everything. It even came in an envelope manufactured by Peter on the train!


So, the Nominations are:


The ETC Team (Iain Quinn, Erik Larsen etc)

Potassium Neuf for Zero 88

Pat Sevenforthree for Strand

Iain Ferguson for AC Lighting


And the winner is:


Potassium Neuf


Most Helpful Member

A runaway winner here: no nominations, the winner took almost all of the votes. Presented in a beautifully-crafted envelope (I believe Fiona will be doing the envelopes for the Oscars later in the year) and written in glitter pen in huge letters, the winner is:




Brian is now the proud possessor of one of the only two Blue LED maglites in the country (the LEDs are blue, not the maglite) kindly provided by Wavicle. (Which, it transpires, I can't pronounce.) There were also some LED pens for the winners of the other prizes.


So, there we go. The first BlueToe awards. People should get their title appended to their profile quite soon. Many thanks to everyone who voted and to all of our 652 (at time of writing) members for making the Blue Room as successful as it is. A special note of thanks goes to Lightnix and Wavicle for supporting the awards. Looking forward to next year!


I would like to thank all the Blue room staff for all their hard work in helping me win this award.

I would also like to thank my producer, director, production manager and my agent, oh and all the little crew people. B-)

Cheers guys

:) :( :D


I've been trying to think of something to say about my award but I've been too gobsmacked. Just a big thanks to everyone who voted for me and to congratulate all the other winners.


I'd also like to thank lightnix and wavicle for a seriously cool prize.


B-) :) :(


And what can I possibly say, only I hope this isn't an anally administered award, I mean annually administered...





Well, thanks to the many thousands of you considered me (jointly with Bryson) the biggest technical diaster area out of our 621 members :o


And a big thanks to Peter for making my new status so discreet - Didn't fancy a tag next to all my posts saying


James C

Biggest Technical Disaster


B-) :) :(


And a Thank you to Lightnix, too, for a very cool prize that is right up there with my all-time favourite widgets :D


P.S. Where's Bryson's new moniker, so that he can carry his share of the shame/glory associated with our award?

yay I won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! although I shouldnt be proud of it, I didnt actually think I'd get anything :S thanks to all of you out there who voted for me yay! I love you all
yay I won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! although I shouldnt be proud of it, I didnt actually think I'd get anything :S thanks to all of you out there who voted for me yay! I love you all


You could have at least added a couple of spelling mishaps in that last post to justify your award :rolleyes:


And as I was bored, I thought I'd add a late entry for the top 10 popular threads of the last year...


Drum Roll :rolleyes:


1st - Today I shall most be doing... (Thirdtap) - 7,740 views


2nd - Light Bulbs (Paul J Need) - 4,927 views


3rd - What Goes in a 13A Plug (James) - 3,192 views


4th - David Blaine, The Blue Room Decides (Lightnix) - 2,896 views

5th - Amateurs (Bryson) - 2,719 views

6th - Phrase of the Week (Dominicgross) - 2,470 views

7th - Oxford Tech Dictionairy (Thirdtap, Again) - 2,442 views

8th - ETC S4 Zooms (Stu) - 2,341 views

9th - Panto Anecdotes (Rachel) - 2,040 views

10th - Lighting Desk Recommendations (Thirdtap, Again - At least this is work related!) - 2,037 views


No awards, just feel smug in the fact you've created a Top 10 thread :huh: And Mr Thirdtap is possibly The Blue Room's Official Work Distractor?




Pics added to my webspace at Bryson's request


The Lovely Maglite Cake



Brian recieves his award from Lightnix



L-R: TeeJay, Lightnix, Brian, Thirdtap



Brian: Most Helpful Person 2003/2004






TeeJay and Suzette



Bryson, feel free to Edit my post and give descriptions if you want too. Done it...B


Oh how yummy that cake looked... Why did my bit have to be eaten by Mr Thirdtap? :huh:



PS. My PC has saved them to be tiny weeny, so I shall try and fix them problem, and reupload if needs be...


edited again to correct the problems caused by my booze-soaked memory - B

That's all the photos I have that came out...for some unknown reason, some of the later ones were a bit blurry and poorly composed. No idea why...:huh:

1st, 7th and 10th lotsa smugness :huh: :huh: :huh:


Last year I was mostly... posting in the Blue room oh and working honest.




Stu do you hear that?


It was the last tasty bit of cake being eaten. Not by me but if I am going to be harassed over it I'll make it fun. Yummmmmm


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