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Just the plain and simple question. What do YOU have in your toolkit?


I've just been thinking and at school I use their tools. But what do you carry with you at all times when you are doing anything in the theater. And do you have it on a belt (like a builder) or do you have a toolkit. Also where do you get your tools from (hint, hint)


Thanks in advance. :D


Should this not be in the general tech chat or crew room?


If I am doing lights, I usually have a manual of the desk to hand and a copy of my rig/patch plan.


If I am doing sound I have LOTS of converters/Y-leads and lots of standard cables.


For both, I also have a plentiful,wide selection of beverages. (Especially for light programming :D)

If I am doing lights, I usually have a manual of the desk to hand and a copy of my rig/patch plan.

If I am doing sound I have LOTS of converters/Y-leads and lots of standard cables.


All useful, but I wouldn't regard any of them as "tools" in the conventional sense...


There are plenty of threads on this - stick "toolkit" into the search box above.


It will return lots of threads such as THIS, and THIS, and THIS, and THIS, and....


To keep the discussion together, I'd suggest reviewing those threads, then adding to them if appropriate.


Ahhhh, tom. It's nice to know that I'm not the only teenager interested in lights. And I have to agree with the beverages for board programing. And peter, sorry. I actually had know idea about that wiki page and I thought that it wouldn't have been asked before. Sorry. Well I actually meant it to go into the general tech section. If a moderator could move it for me please. Thanks very much.


Moderation: Topic moved and closed. This has been covered many times before, specifically here, here and here for starters, a search using either the board search, or Google will throw up many more, also the Tools FAQ on the wiki gives a good overview as mentioned earlier. If you've got any further questions please either add them to the end of one of the previous topics, or if they are specific start a new thread


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