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Looking for a Prop cow!


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Am looking for a white prop cow for a production of 'Into the woods'. It needs to be lightweight, moveable and have a jointed mouth, enabling it to eat! (Preferably on its own using an internal mechanism!!)


Any thoughts on where I might source one of these, hiring is the main option, but budget is limited

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Mountview Theatre School (Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts) had one, if you work for a theatre school that has its own prop store and so can return the favour they may even lend it to you. Try the Deputy Production Manager (Debbie) on 020 8829 2455.
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Thanks for the link to mountview, they passed me on to Leicester haymarket who are not hiring props at the present (I was told). So its back to the drawing board, making it is a possible however we only have 2 members of staff and other productions to build at same time...


So any other thoughts would be appreciated!

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OK, a long shot.

I just remembered the 'painted cow' project that was around a few years ago. A quick search brought up this:

http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/this_brit...ticle264812.ece and this

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotlan...ast/4987302.stm (bit more recent)

I would guess there may be a few unpainted 'spare cows' stored in a warehouse somewhere.

Or there is this lot in the USA, but maybe they know of any in the UK.




I said it was a long shot :P

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Morning, when I did the show at college we used an actor as the cow, worked well but can upstage if your not careful, he did get a mention in the review. when shes fed the objects they were shoved down his jumper, also solved the problem of how the cow runs away. But not as much fun as making a cow that eats things, which I wanted to do :P
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Hi Looby,


It would be useful to know where in the country you are!


I worked on a production of 'Into the Woods' in Nov 2005 for a Guildford based amateur company called GHOSTS. They made their own cow, which was on castors and could be force fed. It featured a nodding head (much like the nodding dogs you see in the back of cars, etc).


There's a photo here (clicky).


You could make something similar fairly easily, if this is the look you want. Alternatively their cow may still exist and you may be able to hire it.

Probably best to contact them through their website if you're interested. GHOSTS Guildford


Good luck!


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  • 1 month later...

On behalf on Looby --- a cow has been sourced from Ilford (Sideshow Theatre Co.) and is now in the last week of rehearsals. She is doing very well and learning all her lines nicely.

Hasn't yet been out for a beer with the actors, but I'm sure that will happen soon!

Thanks for all the suggestions & help.

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  • 2 years later...
I think we want to build our cow... No costumes yet.... I'm finding it impossible to get blueprints or ideas on how to bild the cow. If you could draw or find anything that would be awesome and very much apreciated I spent a ridiculus amount of time looking for something yesterday and couldn't find anyhing
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