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How do you set your corners / middles up

Dj Dunc

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Hi all


Just wondering on what sort of desks your consoles go on for a show, particularly school ones.


At the minute I use normal school desks secured on some rostra at the back of the hall. But this means that we aren't very economical on space, so what I designed/decided to do is this




basically its adding a bridge unit to the top of a school desk, with 5 struts, and right angled brackets on the bottom so we can bolt the two together, So I can have my frog underneath with keyboard, with the monitor + cue sheets on top, and on another desk, the mixing desk, mouse and keyboard and monitor on top.


Is this a possibility or am I just making work for myself :D


Also are there any ready made units available which would be far easier ;)




Mods: feel free to make this sound less like garbage. It sounded better in my head


Ask your caretakers (or whoever it is that buys desks) for a look at the catalogue. The ones we have here come in many many sizes and shapes and with all sorts of options for shelves.


Just make sure, however you do it, that what you put on the top shelf does not block the view of the operator.



Note that operator may be smaller than you - I spent about a year with a control room designed by my 6' 7" predecessor :(


Aah, the quest for the perfect operating desk, this could get interesting :( .

Personally I prefer an L-shape desk - monitor to the left, board in front with space to the right for your prompt copy.

Problem with a shelf over the board is that it will obscure your view of the stage once you put stuff on it.

Shelf on the left wing is good because it will keep the monitor at the same level as your view of the stage. It also gives you space below for the plot, comms, a phone, the bible or whatever else you need to get through the show.


Could you possibly get some pictures or diagrams, so I can have a gander at em if possible.


Much appreciated




If you build a bridge over any form of control desk, make sure you make provision to illuminate the bit under the bridge, even if it's a simple as a dimmable anglepoise or something.


Guess who's built several bridges to go over sound desks and forgot this the first time round. It was an interesting tech when LX called out "okay taking down the house lights now". I quickly learned about the battery life on my mini maglite: under one act.




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