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DMX Smoke Machine


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When you say "cheap" ... can you give a little more info on budget restrictions/target price - it will give us a better idea of what you are looking for.


Sorry, should have been more specific.


Anything up to a couple of hundred quid would be fine, could spend more if needed, but this is for a development project so would rather not. Obviously, if there's a unit out there that fulfils this spec for £50 or something then that would be great.





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Probably does not meet your budget. But I have bought Hazers from this German company.


Already flight cased etc.

To be honest they are awesome and well worth the money. It was more than my budget but no regrets

There fluid is great as well and lasts for ever compared to cheap stuff I have bought in the UK and meets loads of regulations for people and environment. True German engineered product, down to brass quick couplers on the oil supply so no mess on stage


You may not be able to afford, just thought I would take this chance to sing the products praises on the forum and pass on an excellent product. luckily they came to Plasa the year I was there but don't visit to often and do not have a UK distributor, but will deal direct with any one


Link is





P.S. I use the Tour Hazer which will go from the faint Haze to a full blown FOG

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