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zero88 xls strbe setting


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hi guys


We have been given an xls desk - and looking through all the posts everyone says that its really easy to set up - fine - we can do most things but - I must be really thick because I can't figure out the strobe setting in "wide ". or to be honest, what exactly the function will do. can I assign "x" number of channels to operate, say a martin 3000 strobe or what? If so, can one assign aux channels to do this in addition to the normal 24 channels for lamps or does it have to be included in the 24? Or, have I got hold of the wrong end of the stick completely?


Can someone gently "enlighten" me - in simple terms and if possible, a simple step by step procedure for the terminally stupid?



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IIRC 'Strobe' on an XL/XLS turns that channel from a proportional channel to a switch, ie ON or OFF, channel. Not what you want at all. You can use the AUX channels to control a strobe, simply record each strobe 'look' under one of the aux memories and you'll have it at your finger tips. You'll just be using channels in the AUX range of DMX addresss to control the strobe instead of the main channels.
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