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What Desk?

Adam Brinkworth

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Can anybody advise on the best lighting desk to use to run around about 12 Martin Moving Heads, Various Scanners, and 3-4 Dimmer Racks.

I will be touring around venues, so I will be looking for a portable solution. I have been looking at the vxco DMX Creator, and other various control packages, which run on a computer. Would this be my best choice, or should I go for a conventional desk?





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Can anybody advise on the best lighting desk to use to run around about 12 Martin Moving Heads, Various Scanners, and 3-4 Dimmer Racks.

I will be touring around venues, so I will be looking for a portable solution. I have been looking at the vxco DMX Creator, and other various control packages, which run on a computer. Would this be my best choice, or should I go for a conventional desk?






What sort of show is it, are we talking musical theatre, a band, straight play, or something else?? that should really effect your choice of desk,

but without know what the desk is going to have to do, I would suggest an Avolites pearl or strand 520i (if your patching into house dimmers each day and having to change the patch around, I would suggest the 520i, its a bit quicker to do than a pearl.)




edit - crap spelling.

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I will be touring around schools, taking a set performance on the road. I will be using my own movers an scanner, but will be patching into the schools own dimmer racks on their aggrement. As I will probably be in and out of a school in one day, would I be easier using some pc software?



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I will be touring around schools, taking a set performance on the road. I will be using my own movers an scanner, but will be patching into the schools own dimmer racks on their aggrement. As I will probably be in and out of a school in one day, would I be easier using some pc software?





Have a look at the Jands Vista S3, Software based with a hardware wing. The hardware is optional and the software will happily run as standalone. www.jandsvista.com Go to the products page and select S3. Send me an email off forum if you need any more info.


Kind Regards


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I will be touring around schools, taking a set performance on the road. I will be using my own movers an scanner, but will be patching into the schools own dimmer racks on their aggrement. As I will probably be in and out of a school in one day, would I be easier using some pc software?




Unless it was Hog PC with external playback/programming wings, I would take a real desk everytime. But it depends what your used to and personal pref. I prefere having buttons and encoder wheels there in front, rather than a keyboard and mouse...strand 300 might be worth a look, or the avo azure, for the sort of scale your talking.



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Not to throw the spanner in but don't assume all schools will have DMX dimmers - or indeed conventional control voltage ones, for example I think pulsar dimmers use the inverse control voltage to most other dimmers. This means you may want a desk with analogue control signals, or some sort of DMX demux and an appropriate selection of cables...


You might have this covered but I didn't see it mentioned in the post anywhere!




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You could take a look at the Compulite Dlite, easy to operate, reasonably priced and feature packed plus it is Compact and comes with an Offline editor.


Alternatively, like the Vista S3 already suggested, you could go for the Compulite Vector PC (which is free) and in it's most basic form just add a 4-way Ethernet to DMX node at around £500 and if necessary add a fader, editor or channel controller wing.


If you need any more info or a copy of the Vector PC software please PM me.

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