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Strand 200 crashes


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The title says it all, really. I'm touring a Strand 200 desk on a small show just now, and the desk has developed a nasty habit of spontaneously crashing and rebooting, a talent it first decided to manifest during the opening night of the show. And just to make sure I knew it wasn't a fluke, it proceeded to do the same thing three more times during the evening! JUst wondering if anyone else has experienced this?


Potentially, it's not too major a problem as the DMX output is held while the desk reboots; but as I'm running timed fades on the submasters it means that I don't have the submaster for the cue up on the desk, resulting in blackouts if I'm not quick enough to get the correct sub up before the desk resets!


I can't see any obvious reason for this, although I initially thought it was dodgy mains supply in the venue; that theory's now been discounted as it behaved the same way in the next venue. I can't make it happen by waggling the mains lead or anything like that. I'm now suspecting that maybe a processor chip has become loose during transit..?


Any ideas, anyone?

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As Brian suggests the PSU is the most likely cause, otherwise a connection somewhere. I have had some bad experiences with that type of small DC connector (just where the lead meets the connector body) If you are handy with a soldering iron it may be worth replacing the connector. I realize you have waggled the lead but I've been caught out with that method of trouble shooting before. DEATH to Wall-warts!!!!

Else check your show, does it happen at the same point? (I guess you would have noticed if it did, but thought I would suggest it )

Good Luck

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I managed get a look at the desk during a quiet moment on tour this week. Couldn't see anything obviously loose or damaged, and a meter across the power inputs didn't show anything untoward (a nice, steady 12.25V), so I still haven't pinned it down. However, since it was still crashing unpredictably, I decided to try it on an alternative PSU and it has been behaving ever since (so far). I can't yet say for sure that it's the PSU that's the problem, but it's certainly where my money is at the moment.

Only five more shows to go, then it's not my problem anymore :(

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