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Betapack 3 Error


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I am getting a problem with the Betapack 3 dimmer, I believe it is the fuse that has gone, as I have ruled out everything else, changed bulb, tried different sockets, cables etc....


I opened the betapack 3 up, and cannot find where the fuse is to replace it.


Need a reply asap.


Best Regards



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Is it that just one channel is dead..? or the whole rack?


Also, the beta 3 has MCB's rather than fuses, you sure ones not just tripped?


Sorry if this all sounds patronising, just it sounds like only one channels dead and yeah, they don't have fues anymore hehe.





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It sounds like you've lost a phase. Is there anything else you could try the outlet with or is it hard wired? Opening it up and checking for lose input connections would also probably be a good idea before you start returning it. If you are competent I would be inclined to check for ac on all three inputs as a final check.





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