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D&B F1222 & B1 Discontinued


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One would assume that


a) It has be come uneconomic to produce and sales figures have slipped below an acceptable level or a component has been discontinued by a supplier




b) They have replacement products about to be launched




c) There is duplication in their range and they are trying to streamline it. Perhaps they feel that between the B2, J-Sub, Q-Sub, C4-Sub, C7-Sub and C-12 Sub that they have enough different sub woofers to cover most eventualities.


Manufacturing is a strange world. Just because something is well regarded doesn't mean it is economic to manufacture or won't be replaced by something newer. Give D&B their dues the C series is knocking on for a good 15yrs old now, so discontinuing old product isn't that suprising.



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I suppose we can only speculate. Perhaps its another couple of products taking a tumble due to ROHS and WEEE, and they cant produce a compliant product at the same price. I know its getting late in the day for such things, but perhaps the last non-compliant ones were still sitting around in a warehouse, and rather than kill off sales by advertising them as being discontinued, maybe its only happening now theyve cleared out the stock. I can see how this might happen, discontinued stock is inevitably sold off at less than the usual going price.


Furryface's suggestions also sound good to me.




Rob :)

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Rob makes a really good point there about RoHS and WEEE. This has proved to be the death knell of quite alot of products by many different manufacturers over the past 18 months. Given the paperwork involved and the time/cost resourcing limited quantities of components its often quicker, cheaper and less grief just to start again and design a new product rather than redesign the wheel as it were.


Well pointed out, I'd forgotten about that angle.


Between us I think we've covered the most logical angles :)

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I have to say that I can't see anything that really conflicts with the F1222, as it is their only 'theatre' cab, and most of the rest of their range are very much rock and roll cabs, so I can't help but think that either the luvvies have got to stick with the wider dispersion Q series elements (Q7?), or there's a new toy coming out!


WRT conflict in the range, does anyone else think that Q series treads all over the C7 and C4 range, looking at the type of applications which it is used in?

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The E9 has got alot of theatre usage over the years, although this is now discontinued too. Whats the equivalent? (not the Q7)...?


(is the E9 available for special order?)


Not wishing to be officious but why not contact D&B, they are nice, helpful people with a phone and email who I'm sure can give you far more direct and accurate information than any of us.



d&b audiotechnik GB

Locks Mill, Brewery Lane

Nailsworth, Stroud GL6 OJQ


Contact: Stephen Hogg, Emma Adamou

Phone: +44-1453-835884

Fax: +44-1453-834193

Email: info.gb@dbaudio.com


This way you get the gospel rather than opinion, guesses and rumour.


Just a thought


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right on the button, furry face.

however I can add a bit of personal gospel:


our new theatre had E9s and E18s specced (spec written about 5 years ago). when it came to delivery time, d&b supplied Ci 90s as the best replacement (I think better than E9, but that's a personal thing) with Q sub. these were considered best for our venue, wchich is quite wide, with the back row of the audience relatively close to the stage (or PA line - no more than 10 metres), so not a venue that would make best use of line array technology. the point being that there is a selction of equipment available that will suit different venues, so perhaps there's no direct equivalent.


at the time (about 18 months ago) d&b said they would build E9s for us if we really wanted them, but at a price....so I guess the answer is yes, available to special order. I suppose it might be worth it if you have E9s already and want to expand, but not if you are starting from scratch.

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