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Omni Mic

Simon MFR

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Can anyone suggest an omni-directional mic? Preferably a condensor (if they exist) for a decca tree...unless someone has three they want to sell...Ive seen several dynamics but Im guessing they wont be much cop for a decca tree setup... :)
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Can anyone suggest an omni-directional mic? Preferably a condensor (if they exist) for a decca tree...unless someone has three they want to sell...Ive seen several dynamics but Im guessing they wont be much cop for a decca tree setup... :)


If I remember rightly, an AKG 414 could do this rather nicely?



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thomann has quite a few - I have some of the cardioids and they are quite nice. I borrowed a multi-pattern omni and as has been said, the omni pattern is a little uneven - but quite workable.


One thing - Decca Trees. They need a very good acoustic space to be an improvement on x/y (or even a/b) the stereo information is subtle - really nice on a big orchestra with real physical space, but for a smaller ensemble, it has a tendency to sound very 'narrow' almost mono with little depth. If you don't like the sound of x/y, then a/b with perhaps too much (for convention) width is a good comparison, but be careful you don't end up with a hole in the middle.


If you have two mics with switchable patterns that include omni, you have access to all sorts of techniques, including m/s (as long as your desk has polarity switching)

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