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Wiring VL5's

Christian Guegel

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Hi Mitronic.





- 16A Hard Power Feed

- Socapex Dimmer Feed

- DMX512




Smart Lamp Cable




6 x VL5




- 16A Hard Power Feed

- Socapex APS Rack Feed

- DMX512




Smart Lamp Cable (SHEILDED)




6 x VL5



Usually the repeater lives in the truss, and the socas taken to dimmer land. DMX and smart repeater hard power is strung in the usual way, as you would say a Mac500. If you patch your dimmer with a channel of Hard Power you can use an "up your bum cable" to link out of the repeater and back in to power it.


On VL5 Arcs, you need 'special' socapex to go to the APS rack. You can replace the lamp modules with switch modules. The switch modules can be use to control the Repeater, the same as above with an "up your bum".


I may be slightly out of date, as I haven't needed to plug up and rig the things for about 3 years. I am sure there will be somone who will be able to correct me though.


To use these you NEED training. PRG now send out technicians with VL5s; to fix the things.


I do have a PDF manual available should anyone want it?

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The VL5 is connected to a Smart repeater which requires hard power.


If you are using VL5's or VL5B's the socapex on the smart repeater can be connected to any dimmer or a mod rack with dimmer modules.

If you are using VL5 Arc's, VL6, VL6b or VL6c's a special shielded socapex will be conected to a mod rack with APS (Arc Power Supply) Modules.

If you are using VL7's your mad.


You can connect either DMX or Vari*lite control Protocols to the Smart repeater.


Each smart repeater has a thumbwheel address.

If you are using DMX this is the start address of the VL connected to port 1. the other 5 ports will have corrisponding addresses depending on what mode you are using.

The standard mode for VL5's is Mode 4 which gives you 15 (IIRC) channels per VL with timing channels so with thumbwheel 1 port 2 would be 16, 3 would be 31 and so on.

to set the mode to 4 turn off the smart repeater, set the thumb wheel to 904 and switch it back on. the display should flash 4.


Unfortunatly detailed information is only availibly through a passworded site at PRG. PRG do offer free training for anyone who uses them.




Must type faster.

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PS: the Smart Repeater will take upto 6 VL5s. If you have more, you suppliment the repeaters. If theres 12 VL5s, you have 2 Repeaters, in theory.


This never usually works, so you usually order more to make cabling life easy.

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Hi Mitronic!


To run VL5s, you do need a Smart Repeater, but you can put it where ever is most convenient, so long as the cable between the repeater and VL5 doesnt exceed a particular length (service manual doesn't say exactly but you're good up to at least 200').


The Smart Repeater is supplied with AC power (one cable), DMX signal (another cable) and 6 channels of lamp power via a socapex (yet another cable). These 6 channels are powered either from a dimmer for regular (incandescent) VL5s or from an APS rack for VL5 Arcs. An APS rack is nothing more than a box of ballasts powering up to 24 lamps (as in bulbs - nothing more)


The Smart Repeater provides the fixtures with 24v for the electronics and motors, converts the DMX into Vari-lites Series 300 protocol, and then sends all this, plus power for the lamp, down a single cable.


This means that the fixtures are more compact and lighter because stuff like power supplies and ballasts are all 'outboard'.


Hope this helps,




Wow! out-typed by THREE people!

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on which voltage does the smart repeater and the APS rack run?

can I switch the input or is it self adjusting?




The smart repeaters are auto sensing and will work off whatever power you are using (up to 240v). The APS rack needs manually switching between star and delta power, but otherwise will work on whatever.


If at all possible you should try to do half a day or a day of training with these - or have someone there who knows them well. The system - while lovely - is very different to what most people are now used to, and it'll save a lot of time-consuming head scratching to have it sorted in your head first.


I'm sure you've got them - but don't forget that you will need dimmers available to dim the VL5s. You'd be surprised how many people forget....





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I will have some experienced technician there also some people from PRG will be avaible if I got stuck... My questions where intentionally to get some idea how this system works so I can go on with drawings and order all the things I need....

I will use them in LA at the auto show someone there?

also you can checkout our webside at : www.mitronic.com if you need some nice daylights... ;-)


thanks so far,

have a nice day


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Great manual. Explains all the details in a simple way..


Seems to get to the point pretty quick, you want to know how to connect up a certain fixture, you just go to the relevant page and it basically gives u a list of what you'll need (smart repeater, dimmers/c3 unit or mod rack, etc), how to connect them up and what mode to set the repeater to (and how to do it! all on one page in the right place, no hunting around hehe)


Thanks MarcT!



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