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Drapes and light


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Hi room,


Looking for some suggestions for a gauze type drape that is silver or grey but reacts well to uplighting and front projection. The plan is to hang three legs at the back of t he stage in front of the house blacks.


Does anyone have any idea's?



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Does anyone have any idea's?


Unfortunately I don't have an idea is. (If this sentence makes no sense, please read this post. It's late (at least where I am!) and I'm tired and hungry, so I'm allowed to be grumpy!


Anyway, back on topic. I've lit silver velvet legs before and they looked gorgeous - took light beautifully and saturated gels will effectively change the colour of the legs pretty well. Not sure about how velvet would take projection though, I've never tried it.

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I am using at the moment white polyline from J D McDougall. It comes in several colours and lights really well. It is stretched over frames and as well as being front lit, it is back lit for shadow scenes - looks good!
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