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I've had a quick search, and can't find much on this topic.


I'm doing a lecture demo soon, and will be demonstrating the SoftCue system. I am contacting theatres to ask their opinions, but I thought that I would also ask the masses on here.


So...have you used a SoftCue system? And did you bother with programming it? What were your opinions?


I will be playing with the kit over the next few days, so will get to know it well. If I get really adventurous, I might even try the midi modes...


Thanks for your time!



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I don't have a lot of experience with this system, but so much stuff in theatre is reliant on the technology, it's nice to know that the important bit of calling the show and everything in it is controlled by one person using that most reliable of information storage devices, the piece of paper.


I am curious as to what the more learned professionals here think.



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I've had a quick search, and can't find much on this topic.


I'm doing a lecture demo soon, and will be demonstrating the SoftCue system. I am contacting theatres to ask their opinions, but I thought that I would also ask the masses on here.


So...have you used a SoftCue system? And did you bother with programming it? What were your opinions?


I will be playing with the kit over the next few days, so will get to know it well. If I get really adventurous, I might even try the midi modes...


Thanks for your time!





I used Softcue on Cameron Mackintosh's No1 Tour of My Fair Lady. The show used 11 cuelights, in sequences would have been nigh on impossible to do manually. The theory behind the system is great, as you only ever have to press on button. However we found that the system occasionally jumped ahead and out of sequence, which made operating the show difficult on times as there 8 local crew relying on the cue lights. However the number of such occurances was very small in comparison to number of shows As a whole I like the system, and would use it again.

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