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enttec and other dongles


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I was allready looking on the forum, but I didn't find anything usefull about this... my laptop+martin original dongle was stolen from my car..so now I don't have money to buy another one..so I'm looking for another option--to buy low cost dongle such as: enttec, usbdmx in, usb2dmx....but will they work with my martin LJ? I've read all possible documentation on their web sites but I didn't get right answer...can anybody please help me! I would really like to continue work with LJ (or maybe sunlight 2004 or DMX wizard512), because I don't like programs as freestyler, lightfactory...etc.


thank you

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Is this what you are looking for ? http://www.chromakinetics.com/DMX/

LJinDMX - Receives live DMX from an Enttec DMX USB Pro interface and feeds it to Martin Light Jockey. Open Source code in REALbasic is included. Does not work with OpenDMX USB widget (Pro only). You can use this software to hook any DMX console to LightJockey 2.6-large (free download from ftp://ftp.martin.dk/Controller/Lightjocke...er%20Releases/) You can then use LightJockey as an Offline Visualizer to simulate and mimic what your show will look like. It is not necessary to have Martin hardware to use the Visualizer in this manner.

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Martin Lightjockey will only output DMX with their dongle, that's why the dongle is so expensive, to pay for the development of the software. Out of interest why do you not like Freestyler as to me it works in a very similar manor to Light Jockey.


What Don is saying maybe correct but from my understanding of your post your looking for a controller and not a visualiser.

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If you've had your dongle stolen, and have the police reference number, could you not get it on insurance (assuming you have personal items away from the home)??


I have no idea how the martin dongles work, but I am pretty sure with wysyiwyg if you can prove you are the dongle owner, if there is a theft and police record you can get yourself a replacement without paying full whack??




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The WYSIWYG stituation has been thrashed out on Light Network - if you're interested in the gory details, I'd recommend looking there. Basically, if you have lost the dongle (by fair means or foul), you have to buy a new copy at full price.


It then comes down to your insurance. Some insurance companies may cover you as a part of your household insurance. However, I know that mine exempts any 'tools of your trade', with a definition that pretty clearly includes software used purely for work purposes. So, you probably need to look at getting specific insurance cover if you want to be sure that your dongle is protected.



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It then comes down to your insurance. Some insurance companies may cover you as a part of your household insurance. However, I know that mine exempts any 'tools of your trade', with a definition that pretty clearly includes software used purely for work purposes. So, you probably need to look at getting specific insurance cover if you want to be sure that your dongle is protected.


Yeah mine says the same, however if you incoperate the price of wyg (or anything else for that matter) into the price of a replacement laptop/desktop, your insurance will payout for you computer, and having bought the machine, the extra money you can use to get your software.




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Just to add my bit regarding the origional question on the cheap dongles, I have been using the Enttec Open USB adaptor with Freestyler for some time.


The software is great, and from what I've seen of LJ, it has all the features and more. Plus its free!


One thing I would point out though, the Open USB is host generated, IE your CPU generates the DMX signal so you require a decent CPU to prevent any stuttering of the signal.


The Enttec Pro has its own CPU and will work much better.




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