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Fall arrests suppliers

Tom 5561

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I've just joined a rental company in Greece (lighting department) and haven't seen any fall arrests in the warehouse, i.e., there aren't any! Does anyone have a good source online where I can go shopping with the company credit card and purchase fall arrests and other necessary safety equipment? Thanks much and I wait with baited breath while I watch guys climb without them!

Tom Thayer

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Check our old fall arrest brochure (new one later this year) Fall Arrest Brochure
Hi Martin,

If its not too late for the new catalogue, you might want to have a word about this image on page 49 of the catalogue (page 25 of the pdf):


Its one of my pet niggles, so it jumped right off the page at me, very bad practise and something I seem to spend a lot of time mithering lampies about.

I think I may start a new thread about that in the 'safety' forum later. (Its time to go make some zzz's now. :))

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Forgive me if I'm missing something obvious, but the details for the product state: "where there are two anchoring points offering sufficient resistance." and "Complies with EN795 B Standard.". So this isn't some guy who has slung a ratchet strap between two points, but is using a system designed for this purpose.


Putting a ratchet strap between the two ends of a truss is Bad practice- indeed unsafe.

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Putting a ratchet strap between the two ends of a truss is Bad practice- indeed unsafe.


Bloody hell yes. This is a product purpose built to be used as a temporary lifeline. If used properly it is fit for purpose. Like anything if used badly then it is dangerous.


Please do not confuse it with a 1t ratchet strap.

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