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Chauvet vs. Stairville Moving Heads


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What's the difference between:


- Chauvet Legend 150R

- Stairville MH150S


or are they the same?





Thanks - they look the same, they have slightly different functions but - Stairville MH150S is 270 quid and the Chauvet Legend 150R are £600.


Are the Stairville and Chauvet cheaper models any good, reliable, how long do they last before they need new inners etc?


I know buying Robe etc are better BUT!



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I wouldn't touch either but if there all your budget will stretch to then go with the stairville as they are most likely very similar and the stairville ones are much cheaper!


as for reliability you get what you pay for but having said that I know of a bar that has 4 of the chauvet ones and they have been in for just over a year now with no problems and there being used for around 5 hours a night 4 nights a week!

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I wouldn't touch either but if there all your budget will stretch to then go with the stairville as they are most likely very similar and the stairville ones are much cheaper!


as for reliability you get what you pay for but having said that I know of a bar that has 4 of the chauvet ones and they have been in for just over a year now with no problems and there being used for around 5 hours a night 4 nights a week!


Cheers Tristan thanks for your help, theirs 4 second hand Robe Moving heads for sale at £2200 which is more than I wanted to spend but do you think something like that would be a better buy in the long run?


Chhers Lawrence

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Yes they would defiantly be alot better but there are other brands that you could look at that will cost a similar amount to the second hand robes but of course will be new and under warranty


try looking at brands like E.V.L. or Silverstar (I am aware that some people on this forum don't like silverstar but I am installing alot of there equipment in some of the UKs premiere nightclubs and they seem to be doing a sterling job so far!)



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