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Fuses for zero 88's?


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Hi there,


I am working on a show next week and will be working with Zero 88 Alphapacks IEC and also Betapack 10amp 2kw per channel. Both being the original analogue version.


I am trying to find out the fuses that fit these dimmers, as I have been told a couple will be needed. Tried looking on the web but with no success. Can anyone help??


Many thanks



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From the Betapack 2 manual:

Channel Outputs

1 1/4" Fuses

Where appropriate ONLY use 1 1/4" x 1/4" (32 x

6.3mm) 10A rapid (F) HRC ceramic fuses (Zero 88

Part No 40-110-00).

DO NOT USE Ultra rapid (FF) or time delay (T) (Anti

Surge) fuses.

Cartridge Fuses

Cartridge type fuseholders use 10.3mm x 38mm 10A

HRC Ceramic fuses (Zero 88 Part No 40-120-00).

Neutral Disconnect

Breakers and Cartridge fuse versions isolate the live

and neutral when tripped or open.

I'm 99% certain Betapack 1's use the same.


From what I remember, Alphapacks just use the 6.3A version instead.


As to where to get them, CPC, Farnell, RS, AC Lighting, Stage Electrics and thousands of other places will sell them.

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