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Dolby Lakes, anyone used them?


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I have not used the Dolby Lake processor, but I have used both the Lake Contour, and Lake Mesa. The Dolby Lake processor is a combination of the 2. It takes a little while to get used to the graphical interface on the computer, but once you do it is a very powerful system. The Meas type eqs are great. You may find you need to use far fewer filters when you can set the slope of each side of the filter independently. The Lakes have a greater ability to be set up in different configurations than any other processor I have used. The units I used could only be run from a computer, the Dolby Lake processors can be set from the front panel, but I think once you have the computer interface sussed out, it is faster and easier than the front panel.


I have only seen someone else use TiMax, and it is very complicated. If TTA is the one that uses ultrasonics, I have read that it can cause problems with microphones.



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