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a puzzle for the electronic buffs


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I ride a motorbike. Alot. I use a garmin sat nav. I also listen to my I-pod on the go. what I'd like to do is come up with a box that amplifies them independently and combines the 2 audio signals for 1 pair of headphones . it can run of a 12V supply from the bike, but would need regulating. I can make it, but not sure how to go about it. any ideas?
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why do you want them amplified individually? Do you mean that you want individual control of both of them? In which case, why not use a summing amplifier (Op-Amp circuit) with pots as your two 'Rins', and a fixed 'Rf'. Then stick it into a transistor for power amplification... bobs your uncle...


pretty easy to do really, unless you don't know the circuit diagram, if you don't, give us a shout and ill draw one out for you




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If you jest want to be able to connected both so that it comes out of one set of headphone just get a headphone splitter and use it in reverse, not for splitting but combining 2 audio streams. ;)

argh! both sat nav and iPods are expensive items...


Of course you could just route your Ipod to one ear and sat nav to the other. no boxes necessary, just a pair of bodged haedphones.

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it's so I can control the volume of each input separately, by mounting a couple of pots on the bike fairing.Also to amp it up so I can use headphones over earplugs.(I've got some custom moulded ones with a noise filter in, but the I-pod level isn't quite enough to be heared clearly.) I think the combining them by a y cord would led to a whole world of pain an misery with the signals going back into each other!
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so and opamp used as a summing amplifier is what you want, and then a transitor in emiitter follwer configuration, used as a power amplifier. Do you want a circuit diagram?




that would be champion. any idea where I could get the bits cheap? cpc?

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