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Looking for economy gaffa tape


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Markets and "pound shops".


but it's really horrible stuff. Don't use it for cables etc. The glue gets everywhere. Your gear will get trashed, and the owners of every venue you visit will beat you with large sticks.

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Hiya bruce,


this time it is not actually for cables.. It is to reinforce the bumpers on the end of a fleet of canoe polo boats! :-) And these things fall of and have to be replaced regularily and in the water anyway so in this instance, cheaper is better...



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Ticitape - cheap, when purchased in 24 or 36 - think from memory (although might of been special offer) was less than £1.50 a roll (trade).


Think Electrovision had an offer on tape, and theirs was about 89p a roll (although this is trade only supplier), and the quality might not be that good.

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Drifting further :rolleyes: - did anyone else see a programme on the telly a few nights ago - might have been BBC3 or 4, definitely one of the freeview channels - about LeMark and gaffer tape sales?


It was one of those "send in a troubleshooter" shows - the John Harvey-Jones sort of thing - where they sent in some business guru and did a fly-on-the-wall documentary.


One of the "tricks" he taught the telesales team was to ask on every call "so, who do you buy your gaffer tape from at present..." - apparently just asking that question put sales through the roof. Or something like that.


Anyway - it was gaffer tape, it was LeMark, and it was mildly entertaining.

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Ticitape - cheap, when purchased in 24 or 36 - think from memory
Don't worry that you've forgotten; "Tracy" will be on the phone once a month, every month, until the poles freeze over again and the ice reaches London. There is no way to stop TickiTape pestering once they have their claws into you. I changed jobs to get away from them... :)
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